As with OPC concrete, UHM geopolymer and non-geopolymer concrete is made by mixing a binder and aggregate with an activator solution at room temperature. The activator for Portland cement is water while the activator for UHM concrete is an alkaline silicate solution. Depending on the formulation, UHM concrete is made from:
A composite binder that consists of materials such as ground granulated blast furnace slag, fly ash, fumed silica, and metakaolin
Aggregate, which may be gravel and/or sand
A stoichiometrically optimized activator solution that consists of alkali-hydroxide (potassium and/or sodium), silica, and water
Proprietary retarders
UHM normal strength concrete can be made as a geopolymer (up to 12000 psi) or from 100% fly ash C (up to 8000 psi). Both formulations have the following characteristics:
Suitable for precast and on site applications
Set time can be varied over a wide range
Cures at ambient temperature and pressure
Corrosion resistant
No gases evolve at high temperature

HIGH and ultrahigh PERFORMaNCE concrete
UHM high and ultra high performance products are geopolymer concrete. HPC can be made with compressive strength up to 18000 psi and UHPC can be made with compressive strength up to 28000 psi. Both have the following characteristics:
Highly corrosion resistant
Heat resistant to 800°C
Negligible alkali silica reaction (ASR)
High early strength
Cures at room temperature and ambient pressure
Set time can be varied over a wide range
lIGHTWEIGHT concrete
UHM lightweight cellular and non-cellular products are geopolymer concrete.
The cellular concrete has a thermal conductivity about 0.13 W/(m.K) at 700 kg/m³. The non-cellular concrete has a thermal conductivity about 0.06 – 0.09 W/(m.K) at densities from 400 to 500 kg/m³ and can be sprayed. Both have the following characteristics:
Can be formulated in a variety of densities (400 -1700 kg/m3) and compressive strengths (1 – 55 MPa)
Not flammable and does not release toxic gases when heated
Cured at ambient temperature and pressure (no autoclave)
Can be cast into sheets or blocks